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The Business Magazine May 2024
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Local law firm paving the way for the legal industry to do better

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If you think of a law firm, or even the legal industry in general, what first comes to mind? If your thoughts instantly take you to long processes, slow replies, incomprehensible jargon, exorbitant fees and unfriendly faces, Surrey-based Hartley Law is on a mission to change that impression.

In a bid to create a unique experience for their clients, Hartley Law is not only providing fast, affordable legal support, with unbeatable responsiveness and 24/7 availability, but the firm has set out to be a good business and make a real difference by giving back.

A change in ways of working

Nowadays, it’s not enough to get the job done. Clients look for service providers that will put them first, offering a personable approach and a friendly hand to guide them along the way. Gone are the days when clients are merely an invoice to cash in at the end of the month.

Hartley Law does things differently. If you call the firm’s office, you’ll be greeted by the CEO herself, Karenjit Dhaliwal, founder of the company. Priding herself not only on her extensive expertise but on her ability to build real relationships with her clients; every interaction reflects her compassionate and approachable demeanour.

The firm is steadfast in its approach; quality over quantity – every time. Working with a variety of clients that span from luxury retailers and household names to startups and independent businesses, the team takes the time to build and nurture lasting relationships founded on trust and compassion, no matter the size of the business. It’s not about numbers or high-profile clients, but rather ensuring individuals walk away feeling heard, understood and valued. Clients sit at the very heart of Hartley Law, its growing reputation evident through the ever-increasing, outstanding reviews.

The team is also available to assist in-house legal teams whether in-between recruitment gaps or to help clear a heavy workload.

Hartley Law is available 24/7. Having worked in businesses instructing law firms where the responsiveness of external lawyers was often overlooked, this was a priority for Karen from the very inception of the firm. Understanding that urgent, last-minute requests and unforeseen deadlines can often creep up on business owners, the firm works around the clock to ensure pressing needs are addressed no matter the day of the week or time of day. Peace of mind is prioritised and projects are moved forward swiftly, with the team informing clients of the progress made throughout.

Hartley Law is also changing the way clients interact with the law. Understanding that legal terminology and jargon can be confusing and even frustrating at times; the team simplifies the process and the use of language entirely. Empowering clients to make informed decisions and ask the right questions should they need to, is key.

Karen and her team provide practical advice, thinking beyond the legal realm of each individual project and devising a hands-on, real-world approach. Paired with wider support and guidance to fit individual needs.

Hartley Law KD

You would be wrong to think this level of service comes with a hefty price tag. The firm is committed to making services affordable, as part of its ethos of accessibility, ensuring everyone can access exceptional legal services without financial barriers. Value for money is about helping others, and recognising reasonable pricing can not only help smaller firms grow, but also ensure they too have access to invaluable legal support when they need it.

A good business

On a mission to do good, Hartley Law is embracing its commitment to making a positive imprint in society, prioritising the well-being of its employees, and ensuring environmental sustainability.

Hartley Law provides pro bono legal services, actively collaborates and contributes to local and national charities, has embedded a number of sustainable principles across its operations and works closely with local colleges, taking part in career fairs and work experience opportunities to nurture the next generation of talent.

Although the firm is proud to be making great strides in giving back, Karen and her team are continuously searching for ways to do more and do better –understanding that being a good business is never a tickbox activity.

B Corp certified

Hartley Law recently became B Corp certified, which means that the firm is part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact, leading a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.

Becoming a certified B Corporation is no easy feat. It includes undergoing a rigorous impact assessment that sets out to measure a variety of factors in areas such as governance, workers, community, customers and the environment.

The legal world is often considered to be an industry where profit is typically prioritised over other important factors, and the numbers speak for themselves. With a total of 17 law firms officially certified by B Lab in the UK out of a total of 11,500 registered law firms in 2024, Hartley Law is pleased to be among the few to commit to doing better.

Hartley Law recognises the role law firms play in shaping society and believes that with power comes responsibility – becoming a B Corp being a first big step towards aligning business practices with the firm’s values.

Karen is eager to inspire others to join the movement, sharing Hartley Law’s experience and encouraging business service providers in working towards the common goal of doing good.

The tipping point

In today’s legal landscape, clients are now seeking businesses that prioritise exceptional client care, understand their concerns, and align with their values – offering exceptional support throughout. But that’s not all, clients increasingly choose firms that not only excel in

legal services but also give back to the community and uphold ethical practices. At the intersection of exceptional service and social responsibility, lies the key to forging lasting client relationships.

Hartley Law is bridging this gap by providing unmatched legal support without overlooking the ever-growing number of additional factors businesses nowadays should strive to encompass within their operations and ethos. It is challenging the status quo and truly making a positive difference that benefits both clients, and the society we live in.


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