Business News

Letter: thank you from Rob Humby, departing leader of Hampshire County Council

Published by
TBM Team

As I step down as Leader of Hampshire County Council, I would like to say a wholehearted thank you for the support you have given me in recent years as a Cabinet Member and then as Leader.

I am genuinely moved by the kind wishes that have been sent to me since I made my announcement last week. I regret that I won’t be able to respond to every message individually, but please know that I treasure them all and am deeply grateful to everyone for your generous words.

It has been the honour of my life to have served as Leader of Hampshire County Council. I am Hampshire through and through – my family has lived in the county for 462 years and won’t be leaving any time soon! I am proud beyond words to have had the opportunity to represent Hampshire on the local, regional and national stages, and to have worked with you to enhance Hampshire’s status as a great place to live, learn, work, play and visit.

In my time as Leader and previously as Cabinet Member for Economy, Environment and Transport, I have had the great privilege of meeting and working alongside so many bright, talented and passionate individuals working within our valued partner organisations and across Hampshire’s outstanding business and skills communities – not least yourselves!

The County Council now has a fantastic opportunity to use our new functions transferred from the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to play an enhanced role in promoting positive economic development, skills and business support outcomes and joining the dots between all partners across Hampshire. I wish my successor as Leader well and know that you will offer them your full support to develop and drive forward this important work.

Thank you for everything you do for communities in Hampshire and to put our great county on the map. I wish you all the very best for the future.

With fond regards,

Councillor Rob Humby

TBM Team

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