Business News

Kent sports hub plan would provide new home for Larkfield & New Hythe FC

Published by
Giles Gwinnett

Plans for a new sports hub at the disused site of Oast Park golf course in Birling, Kent have been revealed, which inlude providing a new home for Larkfield & New Hythe Football Club.

The plans come from developer Obee Estates ahead of the submission of a formal planning application later this year.

READ MORE: Kent’s property sector forecasts growth for year ahead

As well as a new 4,500 sq ft clubhouse and two floodlit 3G pitches, the vision for for the wider Oast Park site is for a mixed-use scheme, including 100 homes adjacent to the sports hub, ten of which would be self-build plots.

The new community sports hub plan also features a golf driving range, padel tennis courts and a children's play area.

John Michel, chairman of Larkfield & New Hythe Football Club, which in May won promotion to the SCEFL Premier Division, said: "Put simply, we need to relocate the club to survive. In previous years we have struggled to attract the major investment needed to maintain and improve our facilities.

"Our grass playing surfaces are not fit for purpose - 18 matches have been cancelled this season because of waterlogged pitches. We can’t go on like this.

"We’re excited about making Oast Park the home of the Larks. Our recent promotion reinforces the need for us to invest in club facilities and the opportunity to create a new club fit for the current league and our future.

"Moving to a new purpose-built facility will be transformational for our teams, supporters and the wider community."

Two public consultation events are to take place at Eden Estates Stadium in Larkfield, providing an opportunity for people to find out more and have their say. These are on June 27 this year between 3pm and 7pm, and on June 29 between 10am and 1pm.

Find out more HERE.

Giles Gwinnett

Giles Gwinnett is a writer at The Business Magazine. He has been a journalist for more than 20 years and covered a vast array of topics at a range of media settings - in print and online. After his NCTJ newspaper training, he became a reporter in Hampshire before moving to a news agency in Gloucestershire. In recent years, he has been covering the financial markets along with company news for an investor-focused web portal. His many interests include politics, energy and the environment. He lives in Dorset.

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