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5 Top Tips for Incorporating Video into your Content Strategy

The Business Magazine article image for: 5 Top Tips for Incorporating Video into your Content Strategy
24 April 2019

Video is everywhere, there’s no denying it. Whether it’s THAT viral cat video, a local restaurant showcasing a new menu or Apple teasing the launch of a new iPhone, video is a source of content that we all know and (sometimes!) love.

As social media is being used more and more as a marketing tool, and with more than 500 million hours of video being watched on YouTube everyday, it’s more important than ever to be paying attention to video, and ensuring that you’re making the most of this huge opportunity.

Integrating video into your content strategy needn’t be hard, nor does it need to be hugely time consuming, in fact coming up with the idea is usually the hardest part! With that in mind, Ecrubox Digital have pulled together some fool-proof ways to help you get your video content off the ground.

Tell your company story

We’re sure that the story of how your company came to be is a great one! Whether it was a crazy idea over breakfast or a desire to make an impact on the industry, whatever the story, your audience will want to hear it.

Sit down and interview a few key people within your business, ask them what they love about it and where they’d like to see it develop in the next five years.

These videos are also great for when large business milestones are met, such as the 100 year anniversary, which gives you and your audience the chance to see how far you’ve come and what may have changed.

Repurpose your best performing blog

If you have a piece of content that’s doing well (check your social media stats and Google Analytics), driving traffic to your website and getting good engagement across your social media accounts, then why not repurpose it?

If you don’t have a budget for video content, this is something that you can create yourself. Use the blog as a basis for a video by narrating some of the key points over a slideshow of images and weave in some live quotes from staff members and customers, to add more authority. There is lots of simple (and free) video editing software available for you to use, making even the simplest content look professionally made.

Most of the new operating systems come with a basic video editing software out of the box, such as iMovie on a Mac and Movie Maker on Windows, both of which are easy to use and understand to help ease you into the video editing world. OpenShot is another great piece of software with a long list of amazing features to fulfill your video needs, and the software is widely available for operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Linux.

Reaching a new audience

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Introducing video into your content strategy can help your company reach new audiences.

A Facebook video receives, on average, 135% more organic reach than a Facebook photo. More reach = more people seeing your video, that’s great right?

Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have now introduced live video as alternative ways to ‘publishing’ video content, that doesn’t need to look professional and polished. Using this style of video also helps to create a sense of urgency for your audience, so they don’t miss out on all the new and exciting bits and bobs that you’re sharing. Remember to promote these types  of videos ahead of time to build up some excitement and encourage your audience to get involved in the conversation.

Show off your company culture

People love an exclusive look behind the scenes, so be sure to show your audience what you get up to both inside and outside of the office, let them meet your team and take the opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality.

This can really help if your industry is quite serious, setting you apart from the crowd and making your brand more approachable.

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Just remember…

Your video doesn’t need to be shot on the most expensive kit you can get your hands on. These days, the latest mobiles have a decent camera and microphone (we’d recommend shooting on an iPhone 7 onwards or android equivalent for best results). You can even get hold of tripods especially for shooting on a mobile to make it even more stable and appear more high quality.

Introducing video content needn’t be a scary or expensive process, even if you’ve only roughly planned a few ideas, these top tips will help to get you started!

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