G-volution exceeds Seedrs funding target and there's still more than a week to go
G-volution Ltd, which earlier this year was one of a small group of companies innovating in the transport sector to win funding through the government’s First of a Kind (FOAK) 2022 transport competition, has exceeded its Seedrs crowdfunding target, raising more than £400,000 from 155 investors, and there's still more than a week to go.
As part of the Rail Freight theme of the government's FOAK competition, G-volution Ltd will demonstrate “Decarbonising Auxiliary Load in Rail Freight Today”
The company is the lead contractor for a project worth £378,000. Working with COLAS Rail, the project will demonstrate high energy-density fuel cells and a carbon neutral bio-liquid petroleum gas fuel system to power auxiliary electric power requirements which account for up to 10-15 per cent of the total power demand on freight trains.
This will remove the need for diesel powertrains to remain powered up or idling during dwell times, which can cause up to 20 per cent of freight locomotive fuel consumption and emissions.
G-volution has a proven technology platform that can significantly reduce harmful emissions in existing heavy duty diesels in a cost-effective way, and a clear practical and cost effective technology route to zero carbon in the near future using existing infrastructures, it says.
The company has pioneered a dual fuel technology for use in large diesel engines in the Rail, Road and GenSet (static power generation) markets. This proven technology results in fuel cost savings, and aims to extend asset life for operators, whilst also helping these operators reach green targets through reduced engine emissions. There is a large opportunity to develop the business and the technology in existing markets (UK and Spain), as well as in emerging markets. G‑volution has the potential for a clear path to sales in the rail industry in the UK now, and will use funds raised to further the development of its technology as a practical, deliverable and cost effective pathway.