New report highlights Health Innovation West Midlands positive impact

Health Innovation West Midlands (HIWM), part of the national Health Innovation Network, which facilitates collaboration between academia, industry, health and care providers, commissioners and people to improve the region’s health, has released its 2023/24 Impact Report.
The report highlights HIWM's work with the region's six local integrated care boards, and its work with local enterprise and healthcare providers.
It has supported 446 businesses and 293 healthcare sites in the last year.
As well as providing training and support to staff, HIWM has helped facilitate the development of new treatments.
Chair of HIWM, Professor Michael Sheppard, said: "The West Midlands Health Innovation Network represents the fastest growing population in the UK, which has seen an increase by 40,000 in the last 12 months.
"It is our continued mission to develop solutions and innovations that meet local need and accelerate the adoption and spread of proven solutions to allow more people to live in good health for longer."