5 benefits of print advertising
The idea that print advertising's effectiveness is in decline, and the only viable source of advertising in 2023 is digital is a myth.
In fact, the International News Media Associated reports that global print advertising spending increased by 4.8% last year.
While there's no denying the benefits of digital advertising, advertising in print has several key benefits that simply cannot be replicated digitally.
Here is a list of 5 benefits of print advertising in 2023.
1. Reading print results in better retention of information
Multiple studies have shown that reading a page of printed material results in far higher information retention than reading on the screen.
From an advertiser's point of this, this means a greater likelihood that the information you're trying to get across is processed, stored, and, ultimately, increases the likelihood of conversion.
2. Print advertising is considered to be more trustworthy.
In fact, 87% of people believe adverts in print form to be more trustworthy - second place only behind TV advertising.
By advertising in print, your company can benefit from improved brand reputation and trustworthiness, which is often key to a consumer's decision whether to answer a call to action.
Due to the often regionalised nature of print publications, print advertising will work for you in the background to establish your brand as a trusted and valuable resource in your community.
3. Print advertising improves brand recall
Adding quality editorial content to your print advertising can result in 72% better brand recall.
Advertising often isn't about an immediate trigger. Consumers often want time to consider their options before making a final decision on which brand to move forwards with.
By advertising in print, you can place your brand at the forefront of people's mind as they carry out their decision making process, and improve your likelihood of being the answer to their needs.
4. Print advertising results in 8x more double takes
Research shows that contextually relevant print advertising can result in up to 8x more double takes.
This means that consumers are less likely to scroll (or page turn) past your advertisement without ever taking notice of it, improving the likelihood of the right eyes being on your brand.
5. Print advertising increases longevity
Unlike the traditional digital advertising model, where advertisements run for a pre-determined time and then are never seen again (until you pay more), adverts in print are there to stay.
As magazines get shared between people, so does your brand's message, and the advertisement will stick around for as long as the magazine does.
While there's no disputing the power and influence of digital advertising (we have some great packages in that space too), print advertising is far from over. The benefits of print advertising may surprise you.